Sunday 14 October 2012

The Seven Key Areas of Audience and Institution


The issues raised by media ownership in contemporary media practise;
As Kick-Ass was mainly made by 'Marv Films'. This is a small company who have only made 5 films. It is owned by Matthew Vaughn who directed and co-wrote Kick-Ass. It would have been seen that as Marv Films is a small company, who would have a small budget that the film would not be as big as it was when it was released, or get the chance to make a sequel.

The importance of cross media convergence and synergy in production, distribution and marketing;

As Marv Films is a small company, it is very important for them to work with other companies to insure that the film is successful. Without the funding and assistance from other companies Kick-Ass would not be as original and memorable as it is because they would have to settle for lower budget effects and advertising. Also with a big name like Universal distributing the film people may want to see it more as it is a name they know. By joining with other companies Kick-Ass could boost the publicity and overall awareness of the film.

The technologies that have been introduced in recent years at the levels of production, distribution, marketing and exchange;

AS Kick-Ass has been made recently the technologies used when making the film will be at a high standard. Kick-Ass is available on DVD and Blu-Ray. Like many films, there is ways that it can be downloaded illegally. This will lower the films final profit as they wont be getting any money from illegal downloads. Kick Ass 2 could be in 3D as that technology has become very popular in recent films. 3D is involved in a lot of children's films to make the experience more interesting for the Children.

The significance of proliferation in hardware and content for institutions and audiences;

People can now use many different methods to find out about the latest movies and trailers. For example there are apps on smart phones and tablets that have lots of information and reviews on the latest films. There are many different ways that people can get the films streamed to them online. Popular sites include 'LoveFilm' or 'Netflix' where people pay monthly to access unlimited films and TV shows. This makes it easier to access the films you want to see on demand for a small fee a month. Yet some sites have a limited selection of films to choose from, most films on these sites are older and most new releases are not available on the site. By releasing different types of DVD or Blu-ray with deleted scenes or bloopers it will increase the DVD sales and increase the profit. Allowing the movie to be exhibited in different ways it increases the films audience.

The importance of technological convergence for institutions and audiences;

Without Blu-Ray technology, we wouldn't be able to watch as high quality films in our homes. Also now 3D technology is available it increases the viewing experience when watching the films on our own televisions. By making information about the film available on apps on smartphones or tablets it increases the films overall audience.

The issues raised in the targeting of national and local audiences (specifically, British) by international or global institutions;

Kick-Ass was distributed by Universal Pictures in the UK and Lionsgate in the US. Marv Films is a UK based company owned by Matthew Vaughn who is British and wrote, produced and directed Kick-Ass. Kick-Ass was always going to be received differently from different audiences because of the violence and individuality of the film. Most films don't have the same trailers for each country. This could be because there are aspects of the film that some people from different countries are attracted to.

This is specifically the UK teaser trailer.

The ways in which the candidates’ own experiences of media consumption illustrate wider patterns and trends of audience behaviour.

I think that films advancing in different areas is a good thing because it means it enhancing our viewing experience so we can enjoy the films a lot more. Also so we will most likely want to spend money to see the films in the cinemas. Technology is helping us to find out about films in many different ways so we can always know whats new and see reviews and many different things. 

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