Saturday 17 November 2012

Case Study: Prometheus - the issues raised in the targeting of national and local audiences (specifically, British) by international or global institutions

Sculpture for promotion in Russia.
Like most bigger films, Prometheus had a huge marketing campaign before and during the release of the film. The marketing for Prometheus was not all the same and used different techniques of marketing. This helped attract the audience as it was showing that the film was not just aimed at one target market or group of people.

The websites that were made to promote Prometheus can be accessed from different countries.

Prometheus had some different marketing campaigns in different countries. A train station in Paris had the sculpture of the alien 'head' placed in the station to promote the movie.
Paris Train Station - Copy of the Sculpture featured in the

Different billboards and posters were placed around different countries to promote the film. 

All this different marketing helped increase Prometheus' overall success as the unique marketing methods made people remember the film and want to know more about it.

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